Hi All U19s and U24s Players,
See below the information sent by Australian Team Managers regarding the CMAS Age Group Underwater Hockey World Championships, to be held in July: Could you please circulate this info to your members, club reps and/or junior team coaches and state team managers asap if you think there may be players who are not aware? The CMAS Age Group Underwater Hockey World Championships, which will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over a two week period starting from 16th July to the 27th of July 2024. https://www.6thuwhagworlds.com To nominate for a team, players need to complete the nomination form by 12 February 2024: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSe46v3L7Yo.../viewform... The coaches have been working with the players for many months and we are fairly confident that the relevant players are aware of the nomination deadline. However if anyone was not aware, and for some reason misses the 12 Feb deadline, pls ask them to get in contact with the coach/team manager asap. There may still be a short window for them to nominate, depending on the team. To be selected a player will need to be an AUF member, meet the eligibility requirements, make relevant payments and attend selection camps. All these details can be found in the team Information Pack. - U24 Women Information Pack: https://drive.google.com/.../1A5j8aZdUEdB9ubkYwtu.../view... - U24 Men Information Pack: https://drive.google.com/.../1mDmjGN-Sc2o.../view... - U19 Women Information Pack: https://drive.google.com/.../15cOasDPQzfuTLxmgFAj.../view... - U19 Men Information Pack: https://drive.google.com/.../1Fvbj1iPKvzBjPo0w4jp.../view... Training / selection camps are currently scheduled for the following dates, please contact the team manager and coach if you plan to attend: - U19 Women: 16-18 February in Perth - U19 Men: 16-18 February in Cairns - U24 Women: 23-25 February in Goldcoast - U24 Men: 23-25 February in Goldcoast The officials are: - U19 Women: Coach Anton Williams; Team Manager Nele Van Itterbeeck - U19 Men: Coach Ben Stepkovitch; Team Manager Sharon Williams - U24 Women: Coach Bronwyn Mackenzie; Team Manager Jane Gilligan - U24 Men: Coach Amar Sarmiento; Team Manager John Sorrentino For any questions please email the team manager at [email protected]. Additional contact details for coaches and team managers can also be found at the back of the Information Packs. Regards Your friendly 2024 Aus Team Managers |