Hi All, The link is now available for registration for Pennant 2 (see below), apologies for the delay in getting this up and running. Please note AUF payments are also now due, as this is our insurance cover for players, it is a requirement that all players are registered with the AUF, this requirement will be followed up on this pennant. Tasmanian Underwater Hockey Association Pennant 2 - GameDay (mygameday.app) Most of you will have paid for AUF membership (which includes the insurance) up until June 2022. So you need to renew your AUF membership for this new pennant. Please pay your registration here: https://regoform.mygameday.app/#/registration-form/?orgId=J3oThFkpyT1vO4gCV3&formId=1h7Pr3fx6TOnlLl6uy Pennant 2 will commence on 27/7/2022, Due to the payment portal not being available until now, registration is due by Week 2 of the pennant. Below is a download link for the Pennant 2 roster. If there are any difficulties with this, please contact Chris Wright (0419561740). Cheers Andrew Cawthorn Vice President TUHA 0419541785 ![]()
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